Anna Addoms on Burnout, Boundaries and Building a Business – Part Two

by | May 8, 2023 | 0 comments

In this episode of the In Transition podcast, we continue our two-part conversation with Anna Addoms, a badass former tech industry professional who faced burnout on multiple occasions while working in the Silicon Valley tech startup space and realized the importance of self-care. Anna struggled with boundaries for a long time before prioritizing self-care after the death of her mother. She offers tips on how to set boundaries effectively, especially with family members, as well as encouragement to embrace growth during life transitions. We also discuss her new membership program, OTTO, which was designed to help entrepreneurs avoid tech overwhelm, and her passion for serving small businesses sustainably. Lastly, we delve into the importance of emotional processing and seeking therapy, especially during difficult times. Tune in to this informative episode and don’t forget to follow the podcast, leave a review, and share it with a friend!

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Connect with Anna:

[00:01:34] Anna struggled with setting boundaries due to being a caretaker and being from a divorced family, but learned to prioritize self-care after their mother’s death. She had to live far away from a problematic family member to learn effective boundary-setting.

[00:03:26] Strained relationship due to lack of boundaries during a crisis. Importance of prioritizing self-care and having accountability.

[00:06:04] Establishing boundaries and seeking therapy can improve emotional well-being and provide a space to process difficult experiences.

[00:07:39] Moved to NC, saw therapist for a year. Moved to Denver, saw a new therapist for 18 months, stopped due to busy schedule and pandemic. Emotional breakdown led to desire for therapy.

[00:10:25] Being a small business owner is isolating and asking for help can feel like failure, but everyone needs a helping hand at some point. Having a solid community is important to remind oneself of having a safety net.

[00:17:42] Being the face of a business is not for everyone, and it’s okay to prefer working behind the scenes. Transition points are important for personal and professional growth as a woman in business.

[00:21:52] It’s okay to reassess your business needs and consider options for growth.

[00:29:59] Contentment is about feeling good about impactful work and the ability to enjoy personal moments. Small things remind of meaningful work.

[00:31:23] New program “OTTO” helps small business owners overcome tech overwhelm and implement tailored technology for sustainable growth at $37/month.

[00:32:47] Anna is having fun working with small business owners through “Otto” but also considering transitioning after running their own business for 8 years. Contemplating between continuing with Otto or exploring new career opportunities.

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