Korey Jenkins on #IntentionalSingularity – Part Two

by | Apr 24, 2023 | 0 comments

In Part Two of this two part episode, In Transition Co-Host Korey Jenkins, further explores the topic of personal relationships and how they are influenced by our past experiences. She shares her experiences with past partners, the importance of setting personal boundaries, and the decision to be intentionally single. From the cliché “your vibe attracts your tribe” to coffee dates and weighted questions, Korey takes us on a journey of growth and self-discovery. Join us as we take a look at how we can find the person we are meant to be with while staying true to ourselves.

If you are someone who has struggled in relationships and/or struggled to figure out who you are and what you want in a relationship, then maybe this is a season for you to consider #intentionalsingularity as well.

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[00:04:22] Previously on In Transition: Korey decided to be intentionally single to honor herself and avoid settling for relationships or situation ships that did not align with her values. She recognizes the importance of self-love and not compromising on what she deserves in a relationship.

[00:08:41] Asking weighted questions in a relationship is important; don’t expect the other person to pay on the first date. Go in with no expectations, but ask yourself if you want to see that person again afterward.

[00:11:49] Realistic expectations in relationships due to media portrayal. Don’t assume.

[00:13:03] Honoring oneself through intentional singleness and setting personal boundaries for self-discovery before finding a partner. Believes everyone has someone meant for them, but it happens at different times.

[00:16:34] Friendships ending due to growing apart in life experiences and priorities.

[00:19:06] Korey was in a romanticizing phase during her relationship with someone who constantly reminded her of the difficulties of marriage, leading to the realization that he was not her soulmate.

[00:20:43] Korey believes that energy attracts similar energy and that like attracts like. She considers all her ex-boyfriends to be soulmates and would help them in a crisis because they taught her something in their time together.

[00:22:28] Korey is describing her habit of cutting people out of her life after three strikes of negative behavior, even blocking them from their phone. Believing in self-preservation and to avoid harm caused by toxic people.

[00:28:40] Korey reflects on how people’s actions are shaped by their experiences, including her family dynamic and upbringing, and how this can impact relationships. She shares a story of a child wanting to hug their mother but being pushed away and the importance of understanding and respecting different experiences and boundaries.

[00:44:24] Korey on being intentional about focusing on career goals rather than actively seeking a relationship, but is open to the possibility of a partner who supports their ambitions.

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